Turn Your No Into Yes【電子書籍】[ Victoria Ichizli-Bartels ]

<p><strong>Are you stuck in a project that makes your heart sink when you think about it?</strong></p> <p>This concise guide will help you undo the tricky knot you're in, and turn a possible "No" into a resounding "Yes" for the following questions.</p> <p>Have you:</p> <ol> <li>Taken some time off?</li> <li>Created an elevator pitch?</li> <li>Identified what your customer wants?</li> <li>Identified what your customer needs?</li> <li>Compared what you can offer with their wants and needs?</li> <li>Estimated what you will need to invest (time, money, etc)?</li> <li>Considered your feelings about the outstanding tasks?</li> <li>Talked to your customer about possible changes?</li> <li>Created a checklist for your project?</li> <li>Left space to add more items or make changes?</li> <li>Shared the checklist with your customer?</li> <li>Devoted enough time to the tiniest details?</li> <li>Stopped to realize that your project brings value?</li> <li>Asked your customer what value the project provides?</li> <li>Considered what completing the project means to you?</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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